Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sweet Summer Time

Summer is HERE!!!
Yes, I'm one of those people. I LIVE for summertime. It's not that I don't enjoy the other seasons - theres just something about summer that makes life feel a little carefree.
Now, before you get in your brain that I'm one of those girls that stops at nothing to get the perfect tan (Melinda). Think again. I may enjoy a little sunkissed skin, but its not my summer goal. Or any goal in general. The way I see it is if it happens it happens. I'm not going to fake bake just to look that way. Pale is the new tan, right? Right.
Ahh but summer. BBQ's, fishing, fireworks, friends, and not to get all GREASE-y on you guys but.... ooooohhhhh..... those summmerrrr ----- niiiiiiigggghhhhhtttsssssss.
OR! All of those on a summer night haha.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I once was lost..

And then I remembered my password - and now I'm back! I should really make most of my passwords the same so it's easier to remember instead of 65 thousand different ones. However, I feel like the MOMENT I do that, someone is going to hack into all of my stuff and completely steal my identity. Some may call it paranoia, and I......... well I may just agree with that.

Not too much going on around these parts. I just had a great Mother's Day lunch with my friend Melinda. I'm not a mother (yet), and Boyfriend is at work. And she has a child, but was with its father. So instead of us both being home alone today, we decided to go out to lunch.

Girl friends are one of the best thing God ever created. Melinda and I may not be able to see each other often, just because we're older now and Life takes us where it wants to. But it's nice to be able to get together sometimes and just be. We can talk about whatever we want, vent, argue, laugh. ANYTHING - and it's still the best time ever.

So if your not a mom, or just want to have a good day, grab some girl friends and go be girls today!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

101 in 1001

This idea I found when searching around the internet one day. I came across a website called DayZero where they encourage you to do 101 things in 1001 days. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to put on my list, but as soon as I can think of 101 things to do I'm definitely going to start it. I like the idea of having a productive life. Doing something positive for myself.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'm New!

Hey everyone! Or no one. Depends on if anyone even reads this. I'm new to blogging so bare (bear?) with me as I get used to all of this new stuff.

I decided to make a blog just for fun. So hopefully it remains fun! I have lots to say about nothing at all. And plenty to say about everything.

My posts will probably range from my daily life, to things I like, things I don't like, movies/books/tv shows that I see. So be prepared for anything to shout out of my mouth (fingers?) haha.

Thanks for stopping by and hope to gain some of you as followers! Follow me and I'd be happy to follow back!